Hair Anthropology

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trich splits

•trich splits•

Ode to trichotillomania (hair pulling):
I cut in an attempt not to pull. They say it’s anxiety, but I automatically do it while thinking. I’m always thinking. As far back as I can remember, I’ve found my fingertips shuffling along my scalp for that one perfect strand. It doesn’t feel like the rest; it’s coarse, rough, and doesn’t belong. When I find it, it must be pulled. I briefly examine it and run my fingers down its length before realizing I’m at my scalp again looking for the next pull. So I grab scissors and turn to cutting. Tediously focusing through the layers, searching for split ends to snip. I figure it’s better than going bald, caring for my hair instead of sabotaging it. It’s a constant battle that can go on for a few minutes or several hours at a time. I could be doing other things; why this? I don’t usually keep them, but this time I wanted to create something to represent the madness that is my “thinking” because it underpins the relationship I have with hair. A topic you might have noticed I’ve been examining closely in recent months. Stay curious friends.

zen, trich splits, 2021, hair on paper 3”x 4”

Links to Additional Resources related to Trichotillomania (trick-o-till-o-may-nee-uh)